Thanks very much to Tom and to everyone who posted questions – and to you, the reader.
Tom is signing off now. He writes:
Chuck Strum also asks:
You appear to have a very poor attitude toward those protesting the Opera.They have very legitimate concerns and are made up of a very diverse group.The Met is probably not the place for such a controversial piece.It would have made more sense off Broadway.
Chuck Strum asks:
Do you think those protesting are delusional?
operanut78 says:
People who are protesting should see opera and THEN form an opinion about it.
Tom replies to Ruth about the two ways he depicted Klinghoffer’s murder:
Samuel Franklin asks:
Why should artists such as John Adams depict modern events shortly after their occurance, when emotions are still high, rather than wait 50 or 100 years?
Rachel Blair asks:
Are there any symbols unique to the Met staging? Is there a possibility of an HD recording going on the Met on demand, at least? Were you and the cast afraid to walk out on opening night, with all the threats? What is your personal favorite scene from the production and why? Also, congratulations to you all for a celebrated opening night (especially given the circumstances). I wish I could see it, but I’m stuck out in California.
leedsopera asks:
I’m looking forward to seeing the production in a few weeks. The controversy is deeply painful to me, but I strongly support the arts as a medium for addressing social issues. QUESTIONS: Are their changes with this production in response to the critics of the opera?
Janice Isaac asks:
I saw it on opening night, and it was beautiful, so thank you. I was interested in the choice to make Omar a dancer. I loved it, but I was wondering what inspired you to do that.
RuthSpencer has replied to Tom’s earlier question about whether she saw it live and what she made of the double staging:
Patricia Contino asks:
First of all, I hope the trouble won’t discourage you from coming back to NYC to direct again. It is unfair and misdirected.
Is there any chance that the Met production will be filmed/recorded?
CelesteSmith asks:
When the production opened in London, there was virtually no controversy, certainly no protest. Were you surprised by the New York reaction to the piece?
Will Wilkin asks:
I was at the Monday night Met premier of this opera and saw no basis for calling it “anti-semitic.” Many operas have villains and the villain sings their part, this is hardly a “romanticization” or “glorification” of their villainy. Why are the terrorist villains of this opera not recognized as villains by the protestors? Surely the murderers in the opera are not portrayed as heroes.
Jonas Tarm asks:
What do you think would be the most ideal reaction from an audience member that has seen your production of The Death of Klinghoffer?
RuthSpencer asks:
The scene when Klinghoffer is shot appears twice in the production -- once when he faces away from the audience, and one when he faces us. Can you explain why you chose to do that?
Tom adds:
ID9979685 asks:
I feel very saddened that protesters, around the world, have been permitted to shut down art, and deny people the opportunity to make up their own mind. You chose to go ahead. What made you feel it was worth pushing through despite all the risks to you and your brave cast? (and thank you for doing so).
Tom Morris is online answering your questions in the thread
I’ll post his answers here as he types them too. The first questions was from me:
I’ve got a question: does Tom think that there is an increasingly hostile environment to artists around the world, with Exhibit B being cancelled in London after protests and the vandalism of Paul McCarthy’s sculpture Tree in Paris? Does he worry about it, and why does he think it’s more prevalent now?
On Monday, John Adams’s opera The Death of Klinghoffer opened at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. It was greeted by protests outside and inside the venue – as well as a standing ovation.
On Friday at 1pm ET, Tom Morris, the director, will be online to answer your questions about his production.
The opera, which was first performed in 1991, is based on a real event; the hijacking of the cruise liner Achille Lauro in 1985 by the Palestinian Liberation Front. The terrorists murdered one passenger: Leon Klinghoffer, a Jewish American wheelchair user, whose body was thrown overboard.
Many – including Leon Klinghoffer’s daughters – people bitterly object to the way Adams’s opera draws links between the displacement of Palestinian people by Israel and Klinghoffer’s murder.
On Monday, speakers including former mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani expressed their anger that the opera humanises and seeks to understand Klinghoffer’s killers. They also say that The Death of Klinghoffer is antisemitic, a charge rejected by the Met.
However, others say that this is a misrepresentation of the opera, which concludes with an aria by Klinghoffer’s wife expressing her anger and sadness. On Tuesday, the Guardian published the views of four New Yorkers who were at the first night at the Met. A second performance takes place on Friday night.
Morris is the artistic director of the Old Vic theatre in Bristol and, England, and in 2011 won a Tony award for best direction of a play for War House. Please post your questions for him now in the comment section below.