Luke Holland 

This week’s new tracks: MILYMA, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Mabel

This week we’ve got a spiritual rollercoaster, some blissed-out 70s-style groove, and an enjoyably daft glitter-pop banger


We Could Have

Wowsers, what the hell was that? Multi-instrumentalist Milena Mayordomo begins this spiritual rollercoaster as a beautiful, strained, classical piano arpeggio ballad, before it morphs into a brooding swirl of Auto-Tuned electro-throbs and spectral flutterage, stopping off at three or four time-signature changes in between, like Bat for Lashes groping early Muse before kicking seven bells out of the Knife. It’s absolutely spectacular.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Weekend Run

UMO have gone a bit Bee Gees. If that sounds like anything other than fantastic to you, then congrats: you will never have to be friends with me.


Let Them Know

Three minutes of wholly edgeless yet undeniably enjoyable glitter-pop to remind us of the importance of dancing like no one’s watching – something that, for the last 18 months, has been done by default. Daft fun in all the ways pop should be, it gets 20 bonus points for: “I got a new man in my business / And he all about his business / And his name ain’t none of your business,” because we can’t think of anything that rhymes with it, either.

Becky Hill ft David Guetta


You see David Guetta, and you think: “Eurgh, him. Hi-hats, housey piano stabs, drops that feel more inevitable than the eventual heat death of the universe. Eurgh. Him.” And that’s exactly, down to the atom, what you get here. But … does it have an amazing chorus? Well, maybe. And do I sort of absolutely love it? Yes.

Shygirl ft Slowthai


Shygirl loves rapping about grot. We know this. But there’s something faintly embarrassing about BDE, which grasps for that sweet, viral WAP cache so charmlessly. The subject here is, yep, big wangs. Descriptions of fluids, where ankles are, what’s going in where and why big wangs are marvellous abound, with Slowthai’s verse (about what he does with his apparent super-wang) sounding like a virgin’s detailed description of their latest, fictional conquest. Despite some thrillingly seedy production, it’s all a bit SDE.


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