Rowena Smith 

Leopold String Trio/Lewis

Queen's Hall, Edinburgh

Having started in its usual formation, the Leopold String Trio became four at the conclusion of this concert, as pianist Paul Lewis joined the group for Dvorák's Piano Quartet in E flat. Earlier, three had been reduced to two, which turned out to be the high point of a predominantly eastern European programme.

Kodály's Duo for Violin and Cello is seldom performed, and yet it is a masterpiece. The simplicity of the title and the modest forces employed are deceptive; this is chamber music on a large scale in which Kodály successfully negotiates the pitfalls of writing for two independent and equal voices through use of his own idiomatic, folk-drenched style. Leopold violinist Isabelle van Keulen and cellist Kate Gould made much of the lyrical potency of the music, as the two instruments sinuously intertwined or took turns in the accompanying role. The virtuosic element of the writing was most apparent in the swaggering improvisatory violin passages towards the end.

Having opened the concert with Beethoven's String Trio in C minor, Op 9 No 3, where the juxtaposition of transparent textures and a more romantic tone was not always entirely convincing, Kodály was followed by a work by his modern-day compatriot Kurtág. The epigrammatic style of Kurtág's music is not to all tastes - despite its 19 movements, Signs, Games and Messages lasts under 15 minutes - but sensitively played, as it was here, the effect is mesmerising. It certainly made for a striking contrast with the expansiveness of the Dvorák Quartet that followed. Lewis's contribution to the performance was playing of deep-rooted intensity, but not overwhelming volume. The ensemble unity, despite the considerable ebb and flow of the music, was impeccable.

· At Wigmore Hall, London, on Friday. Box office: 020-7935 2141.


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