Steph Harmon 

Australian music for isolated times – featuring Didirri, Gordi, Cable Ties and more

Each Saturday we add 15 new Australian songs to a Spotify playlist, to soundtrack your physical distancing – and help artists you love to get paid

australian singer gordi stands in a field of wheat
Streaming songs by Australian artists such as Gordi (pictured) can help them continue to produce music during the coronavirus pandemic, when concerts and large gatherings have been banned. Photograph: Jess Gleeson

The Australian arts industry has been left reeling from the coronavirus crisis, and it feels like there are no solutions in sight – but there is one thing you can do to help musicians get paid: stream their music.

Each week, in partnership with Sounds Australia, Guardian Australia will add 15-ish brand new songs to a playlist for you to put on repeat.

“Australian music needs all the help it can get right now,” says Dom Alessio from Sounds Australia, who chose the songs for this playlist from artists who’ve played their events.

“Streaming an Australian song might seem like a really small and insignificant thing to do, but artists get paid when you listen to them, and cumulatively it can have a big impact.”


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